Vogt, Irmgard


Projects in Health Promotion Health and Substance Use in the Context of Life Conditions of Students at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M. Approaches to Health Promotion

Keywords: Health Promotion, Health Problmes, Addiction

Prof. Dr. Irmgard Vogt, Fachbereich 4, Fachrichtung Sozialarbeit Dipl. Soz.Arb. Katja Frieg, Dipl. Soz.Arb. Uschi Lipp

Summary A questionnaire study carried out in 2000 documents for the first time data on psychosomatic problems and on substance use and abuse of students of the University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main. The results show that male students have more psychosomatic problems than female students, which are closely linked to heavy consumption patterns of psychoactive substances, especially tobacco smoking. Furthermore, the consumption patterns of female students do not differ from those of male students, which is rather alarming. As a consequence of the study, health promotion programs are discussed including programs to reduce smoking on Campus.

Goals of the Study The study is documenting for the first time at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M. the health level, consumption of nicotine , alcohol and other drugs of students in their contexts. Based on this epidemiological data approaches to health promotion have been developed and are under construction.

Publication Irmgard Vogt, Katja Frieg and Uschi Lipp (2003): Gesundheit und Substanzkonsum im Kontext von Lebenslagen von Studierenden der Fachhochschule Frankfurt/Main. Ansätze zur Gesundheitsförderung. Abschlussbericht (Health and Substance Use in the Life Contexts of Students at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M. Approaches to Health Promotion. Final Report).

Events Open Research Days at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M 21. 11. 2001: „Studying and Tasting . Alcohol and Drug Use of Students

Workshop at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a. M 18. 9. 2003: „Nichtrauchen an Hochschulen – Modelle und Perspektiven für einen Kulturwandel“(Non smoking at Universities – Models and Perspectives for a Cultural Change)



Institut für Suchtforschung Geschäftsführende Direktorin Fachhochschule Frankfurt am Main, University of Applied Sciences Nibelungenplatz 1 60318 Frankfurt am Main Germany


+49 69 15332819


+49 69 15332809

